Welcome to the Smörgåsbord of Skyrmions!

Click on a Skyrmion to see all the solutions of a given baryon number, first reported in this paper by Sven Bjarke Gudnason and Chris Halcrow: [InspireHEP][arXiv:2202.01792][JHEP 2211, 92 (2022)]. Please cite our paper if you find this page useful for your research. The solutions are calculated for a dimensionless pion mass equal to one. Hover over a Skyrmion to discover its baryon number.
The above Skyrmions are the global minimizers of their respective baryon number; notice though that there are two B=5 and two B=8 Skyrmions, which are so close in energy that we cannot tell which is the global minimizer within our numerical precision.

If you find any mistakes, or think you have a better description of any of solutions, please let us know. Our contact details can be found in the paper.

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